Day 8 - Nice 'n' Toastie
Vegas to Mammoth Lakes via Death Valley
Just because Vegas wasn't uncomfortable or weird enough ...
Stopped at possibly the strangest petrol station I have been to
Now that's what I call a service station.
Wandered through Death Valley - a little warmer than Vegas
On the long and dramatic climb out of Death Valley I was stuck behind a coach from I don't know if the company has any religious slant or not, but in my imagination they were a party of the devout on a day trip to shore up their faith by coming to see what Hell looked like. On the off chance that they had some protection from on high, I slipstreamed them up the mountain road in the hope that I might be covered too.
Seem to have been playing food and petrol roulette again today. Didn't fill up any tanks before leaving LV and then of course found ourselves starting to panic about when the next opportunity would appear. Thought I would have learned by now.
Another encounter with the dreaded road trip nipple today. There is something about the combination of wearing a seat belt for 7 hours and extreme air conditioning which is not entirely comfortable...
Luckily only one more longish drive to go.
We were both too tired to heard out for food by the time that we got to Mammoth Lakes, so ordered some in. I'm sure burritos aren't supposed to be as big as your head - think this might actually be harder work than the driving.